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profane May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Characterized by profanity or cursing

” They are a savage lot, untamed and profane, all spittle and invective and baying for blood. “They’re pretty vicious,” says Montreal’s Glen Metropolit, …”

prognosticate May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Make a prediction about; tell in advance

” What can be deduced from these national trends to prognosticate the effects of the 2010 midterm elections on the party balance in the Arkansas delegation to ..”

prune May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

” If you see this, you should prune it back a little. To help prevent it, … They’ll bloom in June, but right now you can prune some of the dieback and feed …”

puerile May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Of or characteristic of a child

“… break and bring in Johan Botha, who is a clear thinker and who would never demean himself by appearing in something as puerile as the latest KFC TV ad. … ”

prurient May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Characterized by lust

” Some administrators, including Jimmy Wales himself reportedly conducted a wild purge of prurient content. Others, according to Fox News rebelled against …”

prolix May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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Tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length

“He tends to be incredibly lawyerly; and the first 200 pages are, if not prolix, certainly protracted. It takes forever to get to the meat of the story but … ”

realm May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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1. The domain ruled by a king or queen

2. A knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about

“Lost has taken TV to a new and magic realm. That matters most. However things turn out, I’ll always be glad to have lived in the world Lost found. ”

promenade May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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1. A formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

2. A public area set aside as a pedestrian walk

“It is the first phase of work to repair damage caused to the town’s promenade during a storm on 31 March this year. Pounding waves left voids underneath the … ”

promulgate May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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State or announce

” Nepal Maoists have announced to promulgate their own constitution from the streets on May 29, a day after the deadline of the Constituent Assembly (CA) …”

protagonist May 17, 2010

Posted by vocabulry in Uncategorized.
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1. A person who backs a politician or a team etc.

2. The principal character in a work of fiction

” On the one hand, the game’s protagonist John Marston is a recovering outlaw, a man who only wants to live the rest of his days peacefully on the Great …”